Lauriston Farm is a small organisation which relies on donations and grants as well as income from our produce and services. After you have provided for your family and friends, would you consider leaving us a legacy in your will? All legacies, whatever their size, are gratefully received and will be used to further the farm’s aims – education, good health and conservation.
Please ensure that your solicitor knows that Lauriston Farm is a Community Benefit Society with charitable objectives – the will needs to be worded in a particular way for this type of organisation. Shareholders can also leave their shares to the farm.
More information on how to make or change your will can be found at
Thank you for your support.
Please ensure that your solicitor knows that Lauriston Farm is a Community Benefit Society with charitable objectives – the will needs to be worded in a particular way for this type of organisation. Shareholders can also leave their shares to the farm.
More information on how to make or change your will can be found at
Thank you for your support.