The team travelled to Rudolf Steiner House on Sunday 10th November to attend the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the lectures by Steiner which resulted in the founding of Biodynamics. They were there to be presented with some very special awards :-
Outstanding Practice for Spencer and Lauriston Farm Long Service Award for Andre & Monique. Spencer was also invited to give a 60 second presentation on the future of Biodynamics in the UK (see summary below). Well done to all that attended - it was an honour to be there. Spencer's Presentation Biodynamics is a grass roots movement. More meetings of BD farmers and growers, maybe two or three a year, moving from farm to farm, learning and supporting one another. Enabling the elders from the farms and gardens to mentor and train the entrants. Advocate not only the ecological, nutritional and spiritual impact of the BD farms, but also the wider impacts of the farms on society, through the therapeutic work; new models of ownership; the building of local communities and localised economies.
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